

明智的, 李, and 斯科特 County 2024 graduates who intend to enroll at MECC this fall must complete the MECC scholarship application at www.作为国内.edu/scholarship 在8月1日前获得参赛资格.


从2023届毕业生开始, students graduating from a public school or recognized home association in the counties of 李, 斯科特, 明智的, Dickenson和City of Norton可以免学费参加MECC. 要符合资格,学生必须:

  • 保持2分.0 for each semester and cumulative GPA and be continuously enrolled, full-time.
  • 满足弗吉尼亚州州内住所要求, 驻留在服务区域, 并能提供居住证明.
  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and submit all required documentation 每年8月1日. (夏季入学5月1日)
  • 完成MECC基金会奖学金申请 作为国内.edu/scholarship 每年8月1日. (夏季入学5月1日)
  • 学生 are required to write a thank you letter to their scholarship donor upon receipt of the award. 学生 do not complete a thank you letter by the designated date will have their scholarship revoked.


不,MECC承诺计划从2023年高中毕业生开始. 上一年度高中毕业的学生


学生必须保持2.0 GPA for each semester and cumulative GPA, remain continuously enrolled, and
must complete the FAFSA and MECC Scholarship application by the noted deadlines annually. 学生也必须留在

承诺计划是一个“最后一美元”计划, 旨在保证学生在学习期间不支付任何学杂费
在MECC完成学位. 这是通过填补常规财政援助无法弥补的“缺口”来完成的. 学生
receive sufficient aid through federal and state financial aid programs and grants will not receive additional funding
通过承诺计划. If, after all, another aid is applied, the student has a balance due for tuition/fees, and the

Dickenson County 目标 Scholars receiving Columbus Phipps will not have their Columbus Phipps award applied to tuition and can utilize these funds for books. Dickenson County students who are not 目标 will have the award applied to tuition.

如果学生获得MECC基金会奖学金, 这被认为是一个内部奖励和奖学金基金
will be used to cover the student’s tuition and fees before the MECC 承诺项目 funds are utilized. 如果学生
从外部来源获得奖学金, 这些资金将不用于学费/费用,学生可以使用


符合条件的学生必须保持2.每学期的平均绩点为0,以及他们的累积平均绩点. 失败
to maintain the required GPA will result in immediate loss of MECC 承诺项目 eligibility. 没有吸引力
特殊情况下. 丧失资格是永久性的.

学生 remain continuously enrolled (Fall and Spring semesters) are eligible for the program for up to two (2) years
或72学分,或完成学生的第一个副学士学位. MECC承诺计划只涵盖课程

是的,学生可以选择参加暑期课程. MECC承诺计划只涵盖毕业所需的课程

The 承诺项目 covers up to two years or 72 credit hours or completion of the student’s first associate’s degree,
先到者为准. If a student changes their program and this results in a longer enrollment period, 这个学生将是

No. MECC承诺计划是靠谱的买球网站特有的. 学生选择在

A student must maintain full-time (12 credits or more) enrollment for each Fall and Spring semester unless the
student is in a selective admissions program with a prescribed course schedule. 最后一个学期的学生
required for graduation are not required to maintain full-time enrollment if they do not need the courses to graduate.

学生 are not Virginia-domiciled are not 符合MECC承诺计划的资格. 然而,住在里面的学生
a 30-mile radius in the state of Tennessee may be eligible for an in-state tuition rate. 请求靠谱的买球网站如何…的信息
apply for consideration for in-state tuition rates, please email Enrollment Services at enroll@作为国内.edu.

学生 must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and have all required paperwork on file
with the financial aid office 每年8月1日 (夏季入学5月1日). 学生还必须完成
MECC Foundation Scholarship Application by August 1 (夏季入学5月1日) annually.

学生 must maintain Virginia domicile eligibility to remain 符合MECC承诺计划的资格. 更新失败
the Enrollment Services office with your legal domicile information will result in the student having the responsibility
退还任何错误授予的资金. 被分类为受抚养的学生以父母为户口本. 为
问题或更多信息,请联系注册服务 enroll@作为国内.edu.

学生 completing high school via homeschool education must meet the requirements of Virginia law. 最后

The 目标 program is designed for students who intend to transfer to UVA-明智的 to complete a four-year degree. 目标
requires that students complete a more rigorous curriculum and volunteer service while in high school. 作为国内的
Promise program is designed for students who want to complete a certificate or degree program at MECC in a careertrack

如果学生注册了多于一门课程, 他们不会失去承诺计划的资格,如果累积GPA
这学期剩下2个.0或以上. However, the course in which the student receives a W grade is included in the

No, 承诺计划将在MECC支持最多72个学分, 或第一个副学士学位, 哪个是

学生 graduate early are eligible for the Promise program as long as they enroll in MECC immediately following
高中毕业. 学生 enroll in another college or who choose to wait a semester to enroll at MECC are
not eligible for the 承诺项目 but may qualify for other financial aid funds. 十二月份的毕业生必须注册

No. The 承诺 PROGRAM is designed to provide financial assistance for students taking courses that result in the completion of a degree. Courses that are not required for graduation in your program will not be covered. 学生 must make arrangements to pay for such courses themselves if they choose to remain enrolled.

If a student withdraws from all courses within a semester and receives all ‘W’ grades, 这个学生将不再是
符合MECC承诺计划的资格. 对于特殊情况没有申诉权. 丧失资格是永久性的.

This is a last dollar scholarship for tuition only – federal and state aid and additional scholarships will be applied first.

欲了解更多信息,请联系 MECC财政援助办公室 电话:276-523-7470或 fa@作为国内.edu.